Maintenance has many tools used to edit Stock Items in bulk, saving you from having to individually make changes. It can be found in the left hand menu of the Stock Items screen.

The options within this menu should be used with great care as they have the potential to change nearly every aspect of your stock file database. This menu can be switched off in the Operator security settings to prevent users making unauthorized changes.

Once you have opened the Maintenance screen, click on an option on the left hand side to select it, then use the criteria in the right hand column to define what you are changing. Once you have selected the changes, click OK to confirm them.


Most options have a variety of criteria which can be used to specify a range of items. For example:

  • Category - Change selected details for all items within a specified category. Just choose the category from the drop down box.
  • Brand - Change selected details for items carrying a certain brand. Select the brand from the drop down box.
  • Part Number - Choose a range of part numbers to change. The range will include the two part numbers you have entered and any part numbers in between. You can use full part numbers, or the first few characters of a part number to define a range. For example, if you used AB in the first field, and AD in the second, then all part numbers beginning with AB, AC and AD will be amended.
  • Location - Functions in the same way as the Part Number criteria in that you can enter a range of locations to update. If you want to change a single location, you should type the required location name in both fields.
  • Web store items - Selects any items with the Web Store option ticked in their stock item record.
  • No Category - Update any items which are not assigned to a category.
  • In-Active
  • All Stock - This option will update your entire stock file. Use with care.
  • On most options you can also select the Stock Qty criteria eg: Any Qty, Negative Qty, Positive Qty, Zero Qty

Export Items to File

Use this option to produce a CSV file of your stock for a specified criteria. The CSV file is a common format that can be used to import into another system.

You can also view and/or edit the file in a spreadsheet program such as Excel.

There are many different Export formats you can select (Stock File, Price Book, Stock Count, Clearance lists etc.)

Use the Stock File CSV option for bulk editing your stock as you can Export it, edit in a spreadsheet and then Import it. Note If you are going to delete items in the spreadsheet you may need to delete the items in Evopos prior to.

Import File

Use this option to Import data into Stock or related tables. The Import tiles must normally be CSV files and there are several different options. eg:

  • Stock File - Same format as Export / Stock File CSV. See Importing Stock
  • Alternative Numbers - Alternative Part Numbers for a stock item
  • Item Attributes - Such as Model fitments or special attributes
  • Item Variants - For Variants of a similar item eg: different Sizes of the same Shirt
  • Item Actions (Kits) - For Kits of items. See Importing Kits

After you have made changes, you will need to save the spread sheet in the same format so that it can be re-imported. See the Importing data topic for detailed information on the import spreadsheet.

Print Labels

Print labels for all items in the selected criteria. Labels printed will match your stock quantity. For example, if you have 3 of the selected items in stock, then 3 labels will be printed.

Delete Stock records

Use with extreme caution!

Any stock items deleted cannot be recovered without restoring a previous backup of data. You should only use this tool if you are absolutely sure that you want to permanently remove stock records from your database.

If using this option, once you have selected your criteria, you will need to choose from a selection of item quantities:

  • Any quantities - Delete all selected records, regardless of how many are in stock.
  • Negative quantities - Only delete parts with quantities which have fallen below zero.
  • Zero quantities - Only delete parts with a quantity of zero.

Add supplier/Remove supplier

Use these options to add or remove a supplier from a range of parts. You would normally set the Brand or Category first so you could use this as the criteria.

Once you have selected the range, you then choose the supplier using the search field.

Merge part numbers

Combine the details and history of two existing part numbers. This will erase one part and add all of it's history to another. Use the two drop down boxes to select the part which is no longer required and the part to merge it into.

Change Part number

Select a specific character to remove or replace from a part number. If we use PART-123 as an example; to replace the hyphen (-) with a forward slash (/) you would put a hyphen in the Text to replace field and a forward slash in the Text that will replace itfield. The end result is that PART-123 has now become PART/123.

You can also completely remove characters by leaving the Text that will replace it field blank.

Change Barcode number

Similar to above but with the Barcode Number. Note the Barcode Number is displayed on the Alternative Numbers tab and is used when producing a Barcode Label. It is also automatically searched when searching for a part in most screens

Bulk Edit (Order Qtys)

This is a very useful utility to help quickly define which items should be re-ordered when falling below a specified level.

You would normally run this for a specific Category or Brand at a time. Evopos will show how much has been sold for each item in different periods (0-30 days, 31-60 days, 61-90 days, 1 Year). The system will calculate a recommended minimum qty based on the history and the period of stock you with to keep. for example if you are selling an average of 4 units each month and you specify that you want to keep 0.5 months (2 weeks) of stock, the suggested Minimum Qty would be 2.

It is also extremely quick and easy to edit these figures by just typing the number and then down arrow to the next line. The number will be highlighted for easy editing

The system is only updated when you confirm at the end

Calculate S/P/U Qtys

This is another very useful utility. It helps tidy up your stock where items may have been edited or deleted incorrectly.

You should be able to run at any time on All records

This Utility will do the following:

  • Set the On-Order Qty to the Qty currently on Purchase Orders
  • Set the Allocated Qty to the Qty currently on Sales Orders
  • Used Units - Delete any Stock Items where there is not a Unit Sales Details record
  • Used Units - Create a Stock Items where there is a Unit Sales Details record in stock but no Stock Item
  • New Units - Update the Stock Qty on the Stock Item based on the number of Unit Sales Details records in stock for New Units