Import supplier price files into EVOPOS Price Books


  • Easily create new items using the details from the price book
  • Special order items for customers from price book
  • Update stock item pricing from price book

Discount Codes

Some price files have discount codes, these need to entered into EVOPOS before the price file.

Find out more here Supplier Discount Codes

Import a price file

There are 3 options for importing a price file:

  1. EVOPOS format CSV file
  2. Supported Supplier/Manufacturer file
  3. Map and import any CSV

EVOPOS format CSV file

This CSV file is supplied by EVOPOS, and will start with UK_ or AU_

  1. Navigate to Items\Price Books and select a price book
  2. Click Import on the side menu
  3. Select the EVOPOS format
  4. Find the file on your computer
  5. Click OK to Import

Supported Supplier/Manufacturer file

You might be sent this file or download from a web portal. Supported Suppliers/Manufacturers

  1. Navigate to Items\Price Books and select a price book
  2. Click Maintenance on the side menu
  3. Select the Supplier/Manufacturer option
  4. Click OK
  5. Confirm the Supported Supplier/Manufacturer
  6. Find the file on your computer
  7. File is then imported

Map and import any CSV

  1. Navigate to Items\Price Books and select a price book
  2. Click Import on the side menu
  3. Select the Map and import CSV option
  4. Find the file on your computer
  5. Map each column you want to import (Part No, Barcode, Description, Cost, Retail)
  6. Click Import

Update your pricing

Compare and update your stock item pricing from the price book.

Choose what fields to update:

  • Supersessions
  • Update prices - increase only
  • Update price - where SETPRICE not set

SETPRICE: If you have items in your stock file that you do not want to update, you can set a code on those items to ‘SETPRICE’. Items\Stock Items\Actions Tab\Codes.

  1. Navigate to Items\Price Books and select a price book
  2. Click Maintenance on the side menu
  3. Confirm fields to update
  4. Click OK to compare pricing
  5. Confirm new pricing and click OK to update

EVOPOS can prompt you to print labels for items where the price has changed.