Import Stihl Price file (SSC.txt)

Download and import price file from Stihl

  1. Download SSC.txt price file from Stihl b2b
  2. In EVOPOS go to Items\Price Books\Stihl\Maintenance\Import Manufacturer File\Stihl

Upload purchase orders

Export your purchase order and upload to Stihl


  1. Find your Stihl supplier in Contacts
  2. Under the purchase tab put CSV in the supplier account no field

Purchase Order

  1. Save purchase order
  2. EVOPOS will default to export instead of print
  3. Export will save file and show location
  4. Upload file into Stihl ordering

Upload warranty registrations

Bulk upload warranty registrations.

  1. Go to Items\Units
  2. Change filters to sold units and Stihl make.
  3. Multi select records that have not been warranty registered (no WR date)
  4. Choose Warranty button on side menu
  5. Confirm warranty registration questions
  6. Confirm export
  7. Upload file to Stihl warranty registrations

Import Stihl invoices

Import Stihl invoice to receive goods, update costs, and assign serial numbers.

  1. Open purchase order
  2. Choose import and select your Stihl PDF invoice
  3. Choose the Stihl Supplier option
  4. Confirm invoice lines
  5. EVOPOS will update unit cost, received quantity, and serial numbers.