Send personalised SMS and emails by using our templates feature.

Add custom codes to your template which get replaced by customer, unit and job details.

Link your templates with follow ups, notifications and reminders.

Creating & Managing Templates

There are a multiple areas you can access templates from, these include:

  • Contacts\Comms
  • Settings\System\Comms
  • Sending an Email
  • Sending a SMS
  • Creating Reminders

Create a template

  1. Navigate to Templates
  2. Click the New option to create a blank template or duplicate to used an existing
  3. Choose the Type of template from the type field -  SMS or Email (HTML)
  4. Give the template a name
  5. Fill in the subject if an email template
  6. Fill in the body
  7. Click Save

Custom Codes

Custom codes allow us to personalise the content by replacing the custom code with the recipients details.


Include unit details on your template, only works for scheduled reminders and manually sending an email. 


Since there can be multiple jobs for a unit, when adding job details, EVOPOS will select the job that is upcoming, is current and for that particular unit.