Hire Rates allow you to define a rate for a specific time and period, these rates can be linked with a model, a model type or not linked at all.

Rate Properties

Code - A code used to quickly search and find a rate

Description - The description of your rate

Time - The unit of time relating to the Period

Period - The period of time

Rate - The rate for that period of time

Creating Rates

We can create rates from multiple places in the system depending on what type of rate you want to create.

General Rate

These rates are not linked with a model or type and can be set on any hire contract.

  1. Navigate to Hires
  2. Click the Rates option
  3. Click New
  4. Fill out the rate details

Model Rate

These rates are linked with the model template.

  1. Navigate to Model Templates or Unit Main Details
  2. Click the Hire Rates button
  3. Click New
  4. Fill out the rate details

Type Rate

These rates are linked with a unit type.

  1. Navigate to Unit Types
  2. Click the Hire Rates button
  3. Click New
  4. Fill out the rate details