Our CNH integration enables these features:

  • Parts Locator Upload - Uploads current inventory holding to CNH
  • Purchase Order Upload (EDI) - Export a purchase order to a file which you can import into CSPS
  • PDF Invoice Import - Import a CNH invoice into your purchase order to update costings
  • EPC Picklist Import - Import a picklist from the CNH EPC into the sales screen
  • Price File Import (Master File, Supplemental Price Update, Supersession File) - Import CNH files from the CNH FTP area.

Parts Locator Upload

EVOPOS will upload your current inventory holding for New Holland parts.


  1. Navigate to Settings\Integrations
  2. Create a New Integration
  3. Select the format of CNH
  4. Enter your CNH dealer number
  5. Choose your CNH brand
  6. Click Save

  1. Navigate to Settings\Workstations\Scheduler
  2. Create a New Schedule
  3. Select the Type as Website Sync Items
  4. Choose your CNH Integration
  5. Set the occurrence to daily
  6. Set the time to run at the end of each day
  7. Click Save

Purchase Order Upload

EVOPOS Purchase Orders can be uploaded into the CSPS website.


  1. Navigate to Contacts
  2. Find you CNH Supplier contact
  3. Navigate to the Purchase Tab
  4. Enter "CNH" and your dealer number into the supplier account number field. eg: CNH12345

Purchase Order

  1. When saving your purchase order EVOPOS will automatically select the file option and CNH as the format
  2. Click Export to export the EDI order file
  3. On the CSPS website select the file browse option
  4. Find the EDI file exported on your computer
  5. Click the File Upload button on the CSPS website

CNH PDF Invoice Import

Import your CNH PDF invoice to update the costing on your purchase order.

  1. Navigate to Items\Orders
  2. Open your CNH Purchase Order
  3. Choose the Import option on the side menu
  4. Select your PDF invoice
  5. EVOPOS will now update your cost prices to match the invoice

EPC Picklist Import

Import a picklist from the CNH EPC to save double entry.


  1. Navigate to Settings\Workstations\Sales Options
  2. Under the sales import section, choose the format of CSV
  3. You can enter a location of the file if saving in the same location, otherwise leave blank to be prompted to import the file

  1. Add parts to your picklist
  2. Choose the Export CSV option
  3. Save file onto your computer
  4. Navigate to Sales and press the enter key
  5. You will now be prompted to import the file

Price File Import

Import master and supplemental price files from CNH.

  1. Download the file from the CNH FTP area
  2. Navigate to Items\Price Books
  3. Select your CNH Price book
  4. Click the Maintenance option on the side menu
  5. Choose the Import Manufacturer file option
  6. Select the CNH format you are importing
  7. Select the file
  8. EVOPOS will now import the file.