The Linkly integration enables EVOPOS to communicate with your bank provided EFTPOS terminal.


1. Setup

  1. Ensure you have Linkly installed and configured 
  2. In Evopos navigate to Settings\Integrations
  3. Create a new integration and name it Linkly
  4. Choose Linkly from the drop down list
  5. Choose a Payment Method (CARDS) 
  6. Click Save

2. Workstations

Choose what workstations integrate with the Terminal.

  1. Navigate to Settings\Workstations
  2. Choose the Workstation drop down list
  3. Take note of all the workstation IDs linked to a terminal
  4. Navigate to Settings\Integrations\Linkly
  5. Enter your workstation IDs separated by a comma: 10,11,12,16
  6. Save

3. Payments

  1. EVOPOS will pass the transaction amount to your terminal when taking a CARDS payment
  2. Customer will Tap or Insert their card
  3. If a signature is required Evopos will print a MERCHANT COPY
  4. EVOPOS will print the CUSTOMER COPY