The Returns feature allows you to process, track and manage items being returned by a customer.

The return process can be done all at once, or in stages depending on the situation.

  1. Create Return
  2. Approve Return
  3. Receive Return
  4. Finalise Return (Credit - Replace)

If the customer is returning in store, you can process the return and credit the customer in one step. 

If the customer is sending the items back through the post, you can create the return and send the return form to the customer for them to print and send with the items, when the items are received we can scan the return form to credit the customer.

You can also setup return approvals so that returns need to be authorised before they can be credited.

Creating a Return

There are 3 ways we can create a return:

  • By scanning or entering the return invoice number. (eg: -RI100100). This way allows you to receive the return at the same time.
  • Sales\Options\Returns\New - Enter the invoice number
  • Accounts\Sales\Return

When we create the return we are able to choose what items are being returned and why.

Receiving a Return

Receiving a return allows us to credit the customer and put the items back in stock.

We can do this by scanning return number, or return invoice number into the sales screen.

Approving a Return

If the return is processed by an operator who cannot approve returns, the return will need to be approved before it can be received.

To approve a return go to Sales\Options\Return, find the return and then click Approve on the side menu.