How it works

Setting the job type to WARRANTY will automatically zero the labour and items on the job, create other job cards for chargeable work and invoice all at once.

When the invoice is created, a warranty claim is generated for the lines marked as warranty, this warranty claim is like a sales order, and allows you to adjust prices to what you have received on the warranty claim.

The warranty claim is then converted to an invoice where you can receive payment, or allocate payment as a credit on your suppliers creditor account. You can also edit the warranty sales order if receiving replacement item.

1 - Set Warranty Job

  1. Set the job type to WARRANTY in the job card
  2. Confirm supplier and reference
  3. This will zero labour and any items booked
  4. Any new items booked will be zeroed

2 - Invoicing the customer

Recall the job and invoice.

3 - Processing Warranty Claim

You can find your warranty claims in Sales\Recall\Warranty Claims

From there you can recall, adjust and invoice you warranty claim, just like a sales order.

When invoicing, items will not be removed from stock, items are removed when the original invoice to the customer was finalized. Any items that are added to the warranty sales order after it has been created will be removed from stock.

Credit on supplier account

  1. Recall warranty sales order
  2. Finish/Invoice
  3. Choose SUPPLIER ACCOUNT payment method
  4. Save Invoice

Replacement item on credit note

  1. Recall the warranty sales order
  2. Enter a new line for the replacement part, set quantity to -1 and price to 0.00
  3. Save or finalise warranty sales order

Replacement item on purchase order/invoice

  1. Recall the warranty sales order
  2. Delete line from warranty sales order
  3. Receive line on purchase order at zero cost

Unit Warranty Claims

Our warranty claim system is designed for standard items, so units are not supported.


You have the option to prompt or automatically create your warranty sales order when finishing an invoice, we recommend using the automatically create option. 

You can find the setting in Settings\System\General\Warranty Sales Order