Evopos can export to several Sage versions eg: Line 50 and Line 200. The Format and Type options are different on the different versions. 

Depending on the version of Sage you may be able to set a default Export Types, for example summary records where it creates 1 record per Department / Area per period, or individual where every transaction is exported.

You can set a default Export File name and location.This is normally set to where Sage is expecting the file to be, to make it easier to import..


To configure Accounts integration select Settings / System / Accounts. to set Format, Export Type, and File Name / Location 

You can then create the Export File for each period by one of the following methods

  • By Batch - In Sales / Options / Close Batch or Previous Batch
  • By Date - In Accounts / Quick Reports / Create Export File  

Note: The Date option is popular as it allows you to correct any mistakes found when closing Batches first. However when exporting by Date you need to remember up to what date you have already done, and you should make sure the all transactions for the date range have been entered before you run the Export 

If you have multiple Divisions you can normally select to do just a single Division or All.

Once the Export file has been created in Evopos it is possible to view or edit the details by opening the file in a program such as Notepad or Excel, but make sure if you save the file that any formatting is not changed, The file name and location is specified in settings. Once you are happy with the export file it can be imported in the Sage program.(see Sage documentation).

Sage 50

Sage 50 has the following sales Export Type options:

  • Individual Trans by Dept
  • Individual Trans by Dept No Tax
  • Individual Trans by Area
  • Summary Trans by Department
  • Summary Trans by Area

Invoice (Nominal Audit Trail) Export Format (CSV File)

  • Type (SC=Sales Credit Note, SI=Sales Invoice)
  • Account Number (if Individual Type uses each customers CustNo, else uses EVOPOS (Since 2.09.153) - Must exist in Sage)
  • Nominal A/C Code (Depts = The Sage Nominal as set in Evopos / Nominal / Export Code for each Sales Dept Nominal (eg: 04-01-01 to 09. Area see below)
  • Department Code (The Department ID in Evopos eg: 1 to 9)
  • Date (Invoice Date dd/MM/yyyy - was previously ddMMyy)
  • Reference (Evopos Invoice Number)
  • Details (Blank)
  • Net (always a positive figure - Credit Notes have SC Type code above)
  • TaxCode (T0, T1 (or T9 for No Tax option)
  • Tax (always a positive figure)


If you export using one of the individual transaction options, then matching Customers with the same customer number must exist in Sage before Importing Sales.

On Summary options Evopos uses a Customer Number of 'EVOPOS' which must exist in Sage before importing.

If you select the 'Individual by Dep No Tax' option it will also add to the File all Payments for the Period / Batch with the Type Code 'SC'. The Invoice records will have the Gross amount in Net and zero in the Tax. The Tax code will be T9 in all. 

If you select an Area option (eg: if breaking customers into Groups or Sales Reps), it will enter a Sage nominal based on the first letter of the Area code in the contact record in Evopos. If Evopos Contact Area code is blank the code will be of '1001'. If Evopos Contact Area code is 1 to 9 the code will be of '1001' to '1009'. If Evopos Contact Area code is 10 to 19 the code will be of '1010' to '1019'. If Evopos Contact Area code is A to Z the code will be of '10??' where ?? is the ASC number of the letter - 55 (A: 65 - 55 = 10). Anything else will be set to: '1031'

Payments are not currently supported in this format so these will have to be entered manually in Sage or use Sage 200 format

Customers can be imported using the following format. Currently we would need to use one of the standard export options and re-arrange columns to suit below. 

Field Type Size Left blank? Format Excel column Report to use
A/C Text 8 No Field can't be left blank. Up to 8 characters with no spaces. A Customer Record CSV
Name Text 60 Yes   B Customer Record CSV
Address Line 1 Text 60 Yes   C Customer Record CSV
Address Line 2 Text 60 Yes   D Customer Record CSV
Address Line 3 Text 60 Yes   E Customer Record CSV
Address Line 4 Text 60 Yes   F Customer Record CSV
Address Line 5 Text 60 Yes   G Customer Record CSV
Contact Name Text 30 Yes   H Customer Record CSV
Telephone Text 30 Yes   I Customer Record CSV
Fax Text 30 Yes   J Customer Record CSV
Analysis 1 Text 30 Yes   K Customer Record CSV
Analysis 2 Text 30 Yes   L Customer Record CSV
Analysis 3 Text 30 Yes   M Customer Record CSV
Department Integer 3 Yes - The default customer department is assigned. Must be a number between 0 - 999 with no decimal places. N Customer Record CSV
VAT Number Text 30 Yes   O Customer Record CSV
M.T.D. Decimal 11 Yes 8 digits + 2 decimal places. P Customer Record CSV
Y.T.D. Decimal 11 Yes 8 digits + 2 decimal places. Q Customer Record CSV
Prior Y.T.D. Decimal 11 Yes 8 digits + 2 decimal places. R Customer Record CSV
Credit Limit Decimal 11 Yes 8 digits + 2 decimal places. S Customer Record CSV
Trading Terms Text Text 30 Yes   T Customer Record CSV
Settlement Due Days Integer 3 Yes Must be a number between 0 - 365 with no decimal places. U Customer Record CSV
Sett. Discount (%) Decimal 11 Yes Must be a number between 0 - 99.99. V Customer Record CSV
Default Nominal Code Text 8 Yes - the default customer nominal code is assigned. The nominal code must already exist in your accounts data. W Customer Record CSV
Default Tax Code Integer 2 Yes - the default customer tax code is assigned. This must be between T0 - T99. X Customer Record CSV

Sage 200

Customer (Contact) records

If exporting using Sage Line 200 by date (Not Batch), it will also create a Customers export files for contacts created in that period.

To get an initial Export file for all the Contacts, you should run from a very early date.

Make sure you import or enter any new Customers before the Transactions.

Evopos creates a import file for Contacts called Customer.csv (in the same location), so you can first add any new contacts that may have been created since the last import. You must have a Customer record in Sage for each customer that has a sale in Evopos (Matching Customer Numbers).

The Contact Export file format should be as follows:

  • AccountNumber (Evopos Customer Number)
  • AccountName (Evopos Lookup Name)
  • CurrencyISOCode
  • SYSExchangeRateType (Default GBP) 
  • TaxCode
  • ContactName (Evopos Primary Contact Person Name)
  • TelephoneNumber
  • FaxNumber
  • Address Line 1
  • Address Line 2
  • Address Line 3
  • Address Line 4
  • PostCode

If you want to specify a specific Nominal code for All or individual Departments, prior to Exporting go into Accounts / Nominal and for each Income account (04-01-01 to 04-01-09) set a valid Sage Nominal account on each department in the Export field in the top right of the screen.

The sales import creates a line for each invoice in the following format:

  • sCustNo (Evopos Customer No)
  • (Blank field)
  • sDate (dd/MM/yyyy)
  • (Blank field)
  • dInc
  • dTax
  • 1
  • 1
  • Company_Number (As set in Division)
  • Transaction_No (Evopos Invoice Number)
  • Sales_Sub_Type (1 - 9 Sales Department, or Nominal Export code for Department eg: 1001)
  • iType (4=Sales Invoice, 5=Sales Credit Note)
  • dNet
  • sCode
  • (Blank field)
  • (Blank field)
  • Sales_Sub_Type
  • sTaxCode (0 if zero, else 1)
  • dNet
  • dTax

The payments are also exported in the same format as above with a different Type code

  • sCustNo (Evopos Customer No)
  • (Blank field)
  • sDate (dd/MM/yyyy)
  • (Blank field)
  • dInc
  • dTax
  • 1
  • 1
  • Company_Number (As set in Division)
  • Transaction_No (Blank)
  • Sales_Sub_Type (Blank)
  • iType (2=Payment)
  • dNet (always 0)
  • sCode
  • (Blank field)
  • (Blank field)
  • Sales_Sub_Type (Blank)
  • sTaxCode
  • dNet (always 0)
  • dTax (always 0)