Processing Payroll
Select Accounts > Payroll
You should see a screen with a grid with a row for each employee for that Pay period who has a pay due to be paid. An employee is determined by having an Operator record (in Settings / Operators) where Payroll is ticked. The ‘Paid up to’ date (in Settings / Operators) determines if the pay is due.
If the figures for any employees on the grid need to be changed then select ‘Edit’ from the left menu and change the details as required.
When the employees that you wish to pay have the correct amounts you can tick those employees and then select Process from the left menu
The system should produce a pay slip for each employee which shows the Pay and Superannuation details. You can configure employees so that their Pay-slip is automatically emailed to them by select Default Document in Contacts to Email.
Note: If you wish to pay directly into employees bank accounts using the Bank-File option please check the instructions on Bank-File first.
Editing Details
There are 4 different pay lines for Taxable amounts and 1 pay line for Non-Taxable amounts. Note: Lines which have Superanuation calculated on them are marked.
The 1st taxable line is normally for their basic pay
The 2nd line is for other pay that would have still has Superannuation calculated on it
The 3rd line is for Pay that is not subject to Superannuation (such as Overtime)
The Paid Holiday line is for any Hours taken Paid Holiday in that period. If an employee has been allocated any holiday hours then certain pay slips will also show how many holiday hours are remaining (The calculation for this is the number of holiday hours for the year divided by 365 and then multiplied by the number of days so far this payroll year, it will then add any amount of Holiday hours brought forward from previous years and then deduct any Holiday hours taken so far this payroll year).
The Paid Sick Pay line is for any Hours taken Paid Sick in that period
If there is Sick or Holiday pay in a period you would normally reduce down the Basic Hours by the amount of Sick and Holiday Hours.
The Taxable Allowances is deductions or add-ons that do effect the Tax payable. Note: The total of this figure is shown separately on the Pay Summary as Taxable Allowances. Enter any amounts that will reduce the pay as negative amounts.
The Non-Taxable line is deductions or add-ons that do not effect the Tax payable.
If any of the details above are likely to be repeated on future pays, you can select 'Set Default' from the left menu to remember the amounts and descriptions for that employee. You can also set in Settings / Operators-Staff
Salary Sacrifice
If an employee wants to do a Salary Sacrifice (reduce their pay and increase their superannuation by the same amount) then:
Enter the amount as a negative figure (normally in the Taxable Allowances line) to reduce the Pay and the amount of tax payable. Note: Give it a Description such as Salary Sacrifice
Enter the amount as a positive figure in the ‘Additional Superannuation’ field
Setting Up Payee's
Navigate to Settings\Operators
Ensure the Start Date has been set to the date the employee started employment
Then select the Payroll tab and ensure the following data is correct
The ‘Currently on Payroll’ field should be ticked on each employee for whom you need to process their pay
Paid Up To should be set to the last day of the last pay period processed (When the next pay is calculated it will be from the day after this date and will be for the pay period selected). For example if you want the first pay to be from Friday 1-July-2013 you would set the ‘Paid Up To’ to Thursday 30-June-2013. With new employees set to the day before their start date
Pay Period should be the period they are normally paid (eg: Weekly, Monthly etc.)
Job Type can be ‘Casual’, ‘Part Time’ or ‘Full Time’
Tax Free Exemption – Each person can only have one tax free exemption. If they only have one job this would normally be ticked. If they have more than one job they can only claim the Tax Free Exemption at one of their jobs.
Leave Loading – This was originally designed for shift workers and employees whose money is regularly made up by allowances or commissions. It is normally optional unless specified by an award. Leave Loading adds 17.5% to the hourly rate for Holiday pay. The idea was to make up for any lost allowances or commissions while on holiday.
Married, Resident, Qty of dependent children etc should be filled out as appropriate and will normally have an effect on the PAYG Tax calculated.
Super Company and Ref should be completed with the Superannuation details for that employee. The system will automatically create a purchase record (not Paid) for the amount of the superannuation due when each pay is processed
Wage Purchase Contact – This can either be the Contact details for the employee, or a general account for wages such as ‘WAGES – WORKSHOP’. Some companies like to pay wages into a general account and then distribute the pays to the individual suppliers manually (outside the Evopos system), normally so that individual salaries are not show on the Purchase ledger. Note: There is also a security option to hide Wage details in the Purchase section, you would obviously also secure the Payroll and Settings sections.
Wage Payment Account – This allows you to set the balance account that the wages will be paid from: Bank account or Petty Cash etc.. The purchase record for the Wage is marked as Paid by default.
Then select the Pay tab and ensure the information is correct
Taxable Pay’ there are up to 4 rates of pay (with Quantities) available for each employee. The Description, Rate and Quantity for each are stored as a default, but these can be over-written if required. The 1st Rate and Quantity should be their 'Basic' pay. The Quantity can be the number of hours worked in each period, for example on Weekly, if working 7.5 hours per day for 5 days then the hour would be 37.5 hours for the period. Note: The superannuation is calculated on the basic pay which by default is the Basic Pay x Default Hours. Note: If you set the ‘Default Hours per period’ to zero the system will use the Logged Hours for that person (see Time Logging). Note: The Superannuation is calculated on the Basic pay (Plus Sick or Holiday at the Basic rate). The other Taxable lines are for Overtime, Bonuses, or taxable Allowances. You can also use for Salary Sacrifice (as a negative figure). If you only know the amount for the period (for example weekly) you can divide the period amount by the number of hours normally worked eg: 900 per week divided by 37.5 Hours equals 24.00 per hour.
'Non-Taxable Allowances' - This is for an allowance (or Deductions as a negative figure) which is not subject to Tax. For example this could be a Tool Allowance of 20.00 or a HEX/HELP repayment deduction of -50
‘Hours Paid Sick Pay’ is the number of paid sick hours allowed each year. For example if an employee is allowed 3 days per year and they normally worked 7.5 hours per day it would be 7.5 x 3 = 22.5 hours paid sick.
‘Hours Sick Pay BF’ is the number of hours, if any, ‘Brought Forward’ from a previous period where they have not been used. This amount can be negative if too much was taken in the previous period. It is not carried over automatically each year so after you paperwork is completed for a previous year you will need to re-set it.
‘Hours Paid Holiday’ is the number of hours paid holiday awarded per year. For example if an employee is given 4 weeks holiday and they worked 37.5 hours per week it would be 37.5 x 4 = 150 hours paid holiday.
‘Hours Holiday BF’ is the number of hours if any ‘Brought Forward’ from a previous period. This amount can be negative if too much was taken in the previous period. It is not carried over automatically each year so after you paperwork is completed for a previous year you will need to re-set it.
Note: If you click the 'Calc' button for Sick or Holiday hours it will show the Available Hours. Available hours is calculated by taking Hours Paid Sick or Holiday, dividing it by 365 and multiplying it by the number of days so far in the year (up to the Paid To date), then it will add any Hours Holiday BF, and then deduct any Hour Holiday taken so far in that year. This amount can also be negative. Note on some formats of Payslip it shows the Holiday Hours Available.
Correcting a Mistake
If a pay has been processed incorrectly it is normally best to delete the appropriate previous.
- To do this select the employee in the main payroll screen (you may have to change dates if not appearing), then select Edit form the left menu to bring up the Payroll Edit screen.
We can edit the details but we have to ensure the related tables are also updated. You would normally use the following procedure:
Provisionally enter the correct amounts in the Payroll Edit screen to get the correct figures
In the History grid below change the Gross, Tax and Super figures as required. Do not change the year to date figures as these will update automatically.
Then select Accounts, Purchases and find the Payroll purchase transaction.
Importing the Payroll Tables
If when you go into Accounts / Payroll, the system says No Pay Tables for the pay period you will need to import the appropriate pay tables. Evopos supply these every year as part of your subscription services.
To Import select Accounts > Payroll > Import tables and select the tables for the correct year and country (Normally in: C:\Program Files\Evopos\Evopos\Imports)
Payroll Reporting
Select the Reports option from Accounts\Payroll
The options include:
Pay List - Produces a report showing each employee and all the Pays for that period selected
Summary - Produces a reports showing each employee and a Summary of the pay for the period selected (Also produces a EMPDUPE file)
You can also produce reports and previous Pay slips from the Payroll Edit screen. For example:
Previous Slip - Highlight the Pay period (in the Current year or Previous Year) and select Prev Slip
Pay Summary - Select Current year or Previous Year and select Pay Summary (Use Reports in main section to create file and all employees)
Pay List - Select Current year or Previous Year and select Pay list
Notes on the Summary report
The Payroll Summary report give the details for each employee with a summary of the details.
It also creates a EMPDUPE file that can be used to send the details electronically to the ATO
When you run it will prompt to select the contact record for the Business. If you do not have one you can create a new contact record.
This contact record for the Business should contain the following fields:
The legal business name in the main Name field
The Address in the main address fields (Including Country and Postcode)
The ABN or ACN in the Tax Number field on the Other tab (If blank it will use the Tax Number from Division settings)
The contact person name in the People tab (marked as Main)
The work phone number in the People tab (marked as Main)
The Fax phone number in the People tab (marked as Main)
The Email Address in the People tab (marked as Main)
The Operator record of each employee should have the following:
Date Started
Date Finished (If applicable)
Date of Birth
Tax File Number (if available)
A Contact record set (with details below)
Each contact record should have the following fields:
Full Employee Name in the main Name field
The Address in the main address fields (Including Country)
A message at the end will say where the file has been created (Normally C:\Evopos\EMPDUPE.A01). After a report is shown on screen that may be printed.
This file is normally uploaded to the ATO via the ATO Portal.
The file is a text file and the format for this file is very strict, the ATO will refuse it if it does not conform with certain mandatory data and layout.
There is also a file size check, each line should be 630 characters (628 of data and 2 for the creating a new line), so if you look at the exact size of the file (by right clicking and selecting Properties) if you take the file size and divide by 630 the amount should be the number of lines (as detailed in the last line), with nothing left over (eg: no Decimal places).
it is possible to open it with an editor such as Notepad, but be careful what you change as the format has to be exact.
Each line of the file is prefixed with a code, for example:
628IDENTREGISTER1 (ABN Number, Year end date, Type (T=Test-P=Production), EMPDUPE version details)
628IDENTREGISTER2 (Business Name, Contact Person Name, Work phone number, Fax number)
628IDENTREGISTER3 (Address x2, Email)
628IDENTITY (ABN Number, Start of payroll year, Business name, Address)
628DINB (S, Employee Tax file number, Date of birth, Name, Address, PAYG Tax, Gross)
(The above Line is repeated for each employee)
628FILE-TOTAL (Total Number Lines / Records in File)