Check Availability
Check the availability of genuine parts.
Click the Check Stores button in the sales line edit screen to see availability.
Price File Import
Import Kawasaki price file directly into EVOPOS
- Download the OPEA price file from Kawasaki
- Find your Kawasaki price book in Items\Price Books
- Click import and find the OPEA price file (KAW____.dat)
- Click Ok to import.
EDI Purchase Order Upload
- Find your Kawasaki supplier in Contacts
- Under the Purchase tab, Set the Account number in the specific format detailed below:
- EDIKAWAU followed by AccountNo padded out to 10 digits with spaces and then Passcode
- eg: EDIKAWAU12345678 9999 (Where 12345678 is your account no with Kawasaki, followed by 2 spaces to make 10. And 9999 is the pass-code)
Creating and Sending the Purchase Order EDI File
- When you save your Kawasaki purchase order, it will default to export
- The file will be exported to :C:\KAWORDERS\KAWAORD.SND
- You can then upload this file into the Kawasaki order system