The key accounting reports can be found under the quick reports section in Accounts. The most common ones are:

  • Balance Sheet - Shows the value (net Assets) of the business
  • Profit & Loss - Shows how much the business has made in profit and how that figure was made up
  • VAT Return -  Shows how much VAT to pay (UK)
  • BAS Report - Shows how much GST to pay (Australia)
  • Tax Reports - Shows the itemised transactions that go to make up the above reports

Balance Sheet

The Balance Sheet shows the Assets and Liabilities at the start and the end of a period. This enables you to see the net worth (Assets - Liabilities = Net Assets) of the business. 

It also gives a 'double check' in that the difference between the opening (start) and the closing (end) Net Assets should be the same as the Net Profit made (Allowing for Other Income and Other Purchases which are not shown on the Profit and Loss).

When a Difference is shown

There are situations that can occur (normally protected against in later versions), which can give a 'Difference' figure on the Balance Sheet. 

If this happens we reccommend selecting Accounts / Maintenance and running the 'Check / Fix Data Issues' option. This will automatically correct some issues automatically and give a list of other suspect Issues to check where it is not clear how to correct the issue. 

For a list of the Issues checked and details on how normally best to correct the ones that were not automatically fixed, please see the Help section: Accounts / Check Fix Data Issues. 

After running Check Fix Data or making manual changes you will need to Rebuild the Nominal by selecting Accounts / Nominal (Ensure the correct year is selected) / Rebuild

If there are a lot of ToDo issues, or if the amount is quite small, we can automatically create an 'Adjustment' record to a Clearing account. We can then either: Journal from or to the Clearing account to any Balance Account that is incorrect, or: put to    

You would normally fix any obvious issues prior to creating an adjustment record. If you have too many adjustment records then make a note of the Payment Numbers (In Nominal, select Year, select Clearing Account and select the Transactions tab. Then go into Accounts / Purchases, search by the Payment record and delete.

Run the Balance Sheet and note the amount if there is still a difference (you would not initially answer Yes yet to create an Adjustment until we have checked it out a bit more)

When you run the Balance sheet and there is a difference then Evopos will prompt to correct the issue by creating a 'Clearing Account' adjustment under this nominal balance account.  Then the difference will be in this Nominal rather than shown as a Difference.

We can then Journal between this account and any other Balance accounts that may be out. 

For example the In-Hand-Contra and Purchase Contra accounts should always have a positive and a negative entry which should always balance out to zero. If there are any one sided entries we can correct them by doing a Journal between the appropriate account and the new 'Clearing Account' which should hopefully also correct the 'Clearing Account'. For example if there was a one-sided Negative amount in the 'In-Hand Contra' we would create a Journal from the 'Clearing Account' to the 'In-Hand-Contra' account, if the amount was Positive we would create a Journal from the 'In-Hand-Contra' account to the 'Clearing Account' (In both cases enter the amount as a positive amount on the Journal).

Once you have corrected any issues in the Balance Accounts and there is still an amount in the 'Clearing Account' nominal, we can either:

  • Leave it in case it is a dating issue and something pops up later
  • Or if we want to clear it down we can do a Sales Adjustment (Credit Note if the amount in the 'Clearing Account' is positive, or Invoice if the amount is negative) Mark it Paid by the 'In-Hand-Contra' and Bank it into the 'Clearing Account' 


If you want to check the individual entries for a Nominal account (such as the In-Hand-Contra account), Select Accounts / Nominal / select the appropriate year / highlight a Nominal Balance account. The In-Hand account would normally balance to zero if you bank in the same period. In an ideal situation each month would be zero as the Bankings would equal the Payments you can select the Transactions tab, and if required filter for a Month by selecting the Month, then click on the Amount Header Sum icon and select 'Sum', then drag the Contact Name header to the 'Group By' box. This shows the total for each Contact which highlights the Contacts that do not total to zero very clearly.

Sometimes one month would have a positive total and the next month the same but negative total as the Banking was done in the next month these we can also leave. If it spans a new year we will have to put an Opening Balance in the next year

Profit and Loss by Nominal

Profit and Loss shows the key performance of the business by showing Net Sales, Less the Cost of Goods Sold (COGS), to give a Gross Profit, then Less the Expenses to show the Net Profit.

This report produces the Profit and Loss directly from the Nominal (General Ledger), so it is quick and it remembers the stock Opening and closing figures, but you can only do for a Month, Quarter, or Year

See also Profit & Loss by date

Profit and Loss by date

Profit and Loss shows the key performance of the business by showing Net Sales, Less the Cost of Goods Sold (COGS), to give a Gross Profit, then Less the Expenses to show the Net Profit.

This report produces the Profit and Loss from the individual transactions so you can do for any period. You do have to manually enter the opening and closing parts stock each time.

See also Profit & Loss by Nominal.

GST / BAS Worksheet (Australia)

You normally have to create a statement of the GST due (or to be reclaimed) for each period. The period is normally monthly or quarterly.


Select Accounts / Quick Reports / AU BAS Business Activity, confirm the dates and print the report. You can then use these details to fill in the form on-line.

Capital Purchases will be any purchase transaction with a nominal code starting with 01-04

Wages must have the word WAGES somewhere within the Nominal Description

To exclude any Purchases in Non-Capital Purchase you can use a Other Purchase or Other Income nominal (searting with 07 or 08), or enter # in the Area code of each contact record for who has purchase transactions that you want to exclude

If you pay your PAYG (Tax on Wages) monthly and the GST (transaction tax) quarterly you will need to make manual adjustments. For example you would take just the PAYG amounts for the first two months, and then for the final month in the Quarter you produce the report for the whole quarter, but would need to deduct the first two months payments from the Total for the Quarter.


The Used Unit Tax is the GST claimed on the Purchase Price (or Sell price if lower) of Used Units with the Tax rate of Used Unit Tax that were sold in that period. The Tax rate should have 10% set in Buy, Sell and Special. The Purchase Transaction should not have GST claimed in it. 

See Monthly Reports (Tax) for verifying the figures



Select Accounts / Quick Reports / UK VAT Return, confirm the dates and print the report


If you sell into or buy from an EU country you should put a E in the area code of the contact and it will calculate the sales in box 8, and the purchase in box 9

Any purchase that is outside the Scope for VAT should have a Tax Rate set with 'SCOPE' somewhere within the Rate Description. This will then be excluded from the Net Purchases. 

If you do not want to charge VAT on sales tax invoices you can set the Tax Over-ride in Contacts / Sale to Zero, Exempt or Outside Scope

Box 7 (Total value of Purchases and all other Inputs excluding VAT should not include the following:

  • Wages and salaries
  • Tax and NI Contributions
  • VAT Payments
  • Insurance Claims
  • Business and Water rates
  • Anything else outside the scope of VAT like vehicle licences and MOT certificates

To exclude these figures automatically you should enter # in the Area code of each contact record

The Used Unit Tax is the VAT due on the Margin between the Buy and Sell price (or Zero if the Sell price is lower than the Buy price) of Used Units with the Tax rate of Used Unit Tax that were sold in that period. The Tax rate should have 0% set in Buy, 0% in Sell and 20% in Special. 

Monthly Reports (Tax)

This is 3 reports to verify your Tax figures that can be produced in one go. Select: Accounts / Quick Reports / Monthly Reports (Tax). 

  • Sales Invoices with Invoice Date in the Period - One Line for each Invoice showing Net, Tax, Total
  • Purchase Transactions with Invoice Date in the period - You may need to exclude Contact Area # or Outside Scope
  • Used Scheme Sale Book with Sold Date in the period - The Tax due or to be claimed (depending on the country) on Used Units with the Tax rate of Used Unit Tax